Eric Aldridge – Candidates Corner

Candidate, Magistrate District 5, Warren County Fiscal Court

1. The magistrates have come under fire in the past few years for the perception of a conflict of interest.

How could the county avoid this? What would you personally do to avoid this?

I accept the fact that public servants are held to a higher standard. Communication and transparency are vitally important! That is one reason I chose to self-fund my campaign and not accept any campaign donations. I did not want anyone to be able to say my fiscal court vote or action was a contribution payback. This position should not be used for personal or financial gain. Therefore, I will be donating my magistrate salary to local non-profit charities, volunteer fire departments and the Sheriff Department. I will always abstain from a vote that would possibly be a conflict of interest and will always communicate why I abstain from a vote.

2. Infrastructure is not built in a day. What should be the response of the fiscal court to growth approved by the Zoning Board that exceeds the infrastructure framework of the city/county planning commission Focus 2030 plan?

Infrastructure is an area that I feel more transparency and communication from those involved would make a great difference. A brief description of the process of planning and zoning may be helpful in this discussion. First, the developer or individual applies to begin a development. Planning and Zoning Commission provides a list of requirements. The Planning and Zoning staff does their due diligence to ensure requirements are met and presents findings to Planning and Zoning Commission, who in turn weighs the findings and votes to approve or deny the application. If the application is approved, the recommendation is sent to fiscal court to vote. In my opinion, more weight should be given to public input at the Planning and Zoning meetings. Why do we place signage announcing zoning changes without consideration for the public who voice concerns about zoning changes? Having said that, I do not believe public comments should have an override veto of a proposal. Public concerns should be addressed on their merits. Once a recommendation is put before the fiscal court, magistrates should take time to review and vote accordingly. As the next 5th district magistrate, I intend to participate in all Planning and Zoning meetings (either in person or online) to best understand all aspects of items to be brought before the fiscal court.

3. Our taxation (including real estate taxes) is significantly higher than other regional communities similar to our size. Do you feel that they are appropriate? Please explain.

No one likes paying taxes! I am always in favor of lowering taxes when possible. We need to examine our county budget and identify areas of waste and have the courage to make adjustments accordingly. I expect the county to operate like any of us would budget our own finances—spend less that you bring in, prioritize spending needs, save for a rainy day, pay off debts quickly and early, then reduce taxes on the citizens.

4. Have you read the job description and responsibilities for magistrate? What skills and background do you bring to the position? How do your experiences differentiate you?

Yes, I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of a magistrate.

I have been a small business owner here in Warren County for nearly 30 years. I was a residential home builder for 15 years. In 2010, we started Southern Kentucky Granite and have grown that company from scratch to the leading supplier of granite counter tops in this market. We currently service Warren and surrounding counties. I understand what it takes to operate a business. I know how to create a budget and operate within those constraints. I’m good at prioritizing spending and making dollars stretch when necessary. High paying job opportunities are necessary in our present economy and I understand the importance that plays in our community. I recruit, train, and maintain employees. Making tough decisions is part of running a successful business and I don’t shy away from hard calls.

I am a “people” person and strive to serve others in my business and personal life. I look for ways to treat others as I wish to be treated myself. I have been active in my church congregation, Vineyard Workers Church, since I was a teenager and presently serve on the board of deacons. Since 2008, I have served on the board of the local Pregnancy Support Center. One of their primary outreaches is free parenting classes centered around personal responsibility, loving discipline, and scriptural child rearing-topics my wife and I are very passionate about.

I am motivated to be the most engaged, accessible, and approachable magistrate in Warren County. My desire to serve my community, my small business experience and my family life have given me the experience and drive to be the best candidate for 5th district magistrate.

5. What are the top 2-3 things that motivated you to run for the magistrate office.

I am running for 5th District Magistrate to serve my home of 30 years. I am a Conservative, a small business owner, a homesteader and father of nine children. I am seeking opportunities to use my skill set in creating positive change for our community. I view this position as a representative of We the People. I’m a champion of hard work and great ideas. Communities are as great as their citizens and Warren County has some pretty amazing citizens! Together, I believe we can make Warren County a happy place to grow and learn as individuals, families and communities. I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work for you!

6. The on-going growth of high density housing in the Southern and Eastern and northern parts of Warren County, makes it very similar to a township or small city and not at all a rural area. Bowling Green has full time fire departments running 24 hours, seven days a week, and a better overall police presence. Given the increased risk in these areas, to serve them properly, How would you approach the funding and balance the service demands of 1/3 of the county with the remaining more rural areas.

Funding does need to be increased for both the Volunteer Fire Departments as well as the Sherriff’s Department. I do not feel that the budgets of these agencies are keeping pace with the growth that our county is experiencing. The next Fiscal Court will need to look at this issue more closely.

6. What’s the next step to stop all rural areas becoming city annexes, for lack of better words?

That’s a great question and I’m going to be honest, I do not have the answer. That is why I think it is critical to elect magistrates to Fiscal Court who desire to serve the people first, and I am that magistrate. I am open to suggestions from the constituents of Warren County in order to make their voices better heard.

7. One of the challenges in the county is the regular approval of unpopular issues 5-to-1. It seems that five votes always carry unpopular changes in a specific district to fruition, and that magistrates appear to have no influence on their peers. How would you change this?

Communication, communication, communication. There appears to be a lack of communication between some current magistrates and their constituents. There also seems to be a lack of communication magistrate-to-magistrate regarding the desires of their respective constituents. I plan to be the voice of the majority of the people in the 5th District. My job is to convey their will and their numbers to the other Fiscal Court Members. I also will be encouraging as many people as possible to attend the Fiscal Court meetings. There is power in the voices of We the People.

8. What’s been the most disappointing thing you’ve learned since you started exploring your run for the Fiscal Court and how do you plan to improve when you’re in office?

The most disappointing thing I have learned is the lack of communication and transparency. I have started some of that process now by obtaining the Fiscal Court agendas and posting them, as well as making re-cap videos.

9. Are you in support of protecting AG land and forestry/wildlife habitats or do you support the current approval process or rather lack there of to re-zone AG to Residential lands?

There needs to be a balance. I do support the preservation of AG land. However, we all are aware that there will be continued developments in Warren County. There should be more weight put on the Comprehensive Plan, and it should be followed. The practice during a Planning and Zoning meeting of changing the FLUM followed by immediately approving a development should stop.

10. Can you please provide some specific examples of Warren County’s biggest needs and the funding streams you would support using for each?

Funding our Sherriff and Volunteer Fire Departments should be at the top of the list. After attending the Warren County Fire Chief’s forum, there seems to be a consensus among them, that changes need to be made within the County. I would be very interested in what funding or reorganization changes they deem necessary for the best service of the county. Regarding the Sherriff’s Department, I understand that they desire to have additional deputes. In order to fund these, we must begin tightening up our current budget by looking for waste and trimming additional spending where we can.

11. Can you provide specific examples of things that could or should potentially be cut in order to increase funding for law enforcement and fire services?

That would be easier to answer, if I could locate the current budget posted somewhere. In order to make adjustments, we must first be honest with ourselves with what is most important to be spending money on. From there a prioritized spending budget should be created.

12. In relation to the question about “conflicts of interest” you were ask to respond to, you indicated “I will always abstain from a vote that would possibly be a conflict of interest and will always communicate why I abstain from a vote.” Can you take us through your thought process on evaluating a conflict?

A conflict would be anything that would provide my family or I with personal financial gain.

13. As you are probably aware, there was / is an ongoing discussion within the county about how to create a garbage recycling service that is affordable, and that residents will use. What are your thoughts on the matter?

I would like to see some sort of recycling service becoming available to the county once again. The subscription-based recycling service that was presented at the Fiscal Court meeting intrigued me. This type of service would allow those who want to participate to do so, easily and directly through the provider through a subscription. This would not make the recycling service mandatory for everyone through a forced fee.

14. What role does the community play in Fiscal Court affairs?

It is my desire to see greater community involvement in the Fiscal Court meetings. I hope to inspire this by communicating the happenings of the meetings with the constituents of the 5th District. I will do this through the videos that I have already been posting and once elected I will be adding other social media platforms, YouTube, and electronic newsletters to inspire others to be engaged.

15. What is an example of something the fiscal court is doing that needs to stop?

I hate to sound like a broken record, but the lack of transparency and communication from Fiscal Courts to the constituents of Warren County is something that should be addressed. The changing of Fiscal Court meetings, at the last minute, with little, to no, public notice has to stop.

16. What is something good the county is doing that the Fiscal Court needs to continue/expand?

Under our current Judge Executive, we have been extraordinarily successful with economic growth. We have a parks system that is second-to-none. It is obvious by the rapid growth of our county that we are a sought-after destination for people to live, work, and raise a family. The county does a great judge with promoting tourism and I look forward to seeing Warren County continuing to be an exceptional place to live and visit.

17. You mentioned parks in conjunction with growth, and hinted about having realistic conversations about spending priorities. It appears that pet projects have been in vogue in Warren County for far too long. Are you for or against things like building mega sporting complexes, that only a small percentage of Warren Countians will use?

I am for maintaining our current, amazing parks system, but it is time to prioritize new, additional, project spending into other areas. My top priority for new spending, as mentioned many times are the Fire Departments and the Sheriff’s Department.

18. In a fiscal court session last month, one of the county surveyors presented a familiar issue. It appears that Warren County has put specific requirements into its bond issues regarding Sewer line adoption. Mandating all new construction within 2000 feet of a line must connect to the line. This has created significant issue for individuals whose property is land locked from the line, or want a single family home and can’t afford the 20 – 40k to connect to the line because of the distance. The court appears to have no real interest in solving the issue as it is not new. How would you approach unwinding this issue?

Unfortunately, I am not sure that the current situation can be undone due to the Bonds that have already been taken on those specific projects that are already in place. Before any other sewer expansion projects move forward, this issue must be resolved and some exceptions be made available for homeowners in the newly concerned areas.

19. What are a few things a Warren County Magistrate must refrain from or avoid without exception?

The first thing that comes to my mind is the avoidance of voting on issues that would create a conflict of interest. Magistrates must also be making themselves more available to their constituents. The days of being seen when you are running for office and then disappearing until the next election should stop. A Magistrate is the voice of the People to Fiscal Court. They must make themselves available to the People and be their megaphone!

20. As we wind up this evening, would you share your thoughts about a couple of the greatest challenges the court faces in the next few years, and your thoughts about how they should be addressed?

The one, collective voice that I continue to hear from the constituents of Warren County is the management of growth. With the new businesses that have announced their coming to our county, this is obviously an issue that is not going away. We have to be willing to elect Magistrates who will communicate with their constituents and who have an ear to hear. Also, as has been mentioned already, our Volunteer Fire Departments must not be neglected. This is something that Fiscal Court and the Fire Chiefs must come together to create an action plan detailing how to best service the people of Warren County in the future.