Sue Parrigin

Candidate, Bowling Green City Commission

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“My Vision for the future of the City of BG is for continued transparency of our city government to the citizenship, as well as inclusion of thoughts, ideas, concerns, and dialogue for interested parties. Community growth with fiscal responsibility will continue to be my guiding principles as a leader.”

On Public Safety
“I emphatically oppose any initiative to defund the BGPD and have voted over my complete tenure to provide all needed resources to the department. In fact, as part of my first campaign platform, I ran on the idea of providing each police officer body worn cameras for their protection, as well as the citizenry.”

Sue Parrigin

Fairness Ordinance
“I would and have voted against a Fairness Ordinance. The City Commission is not the appropriate venue for this type of legislation. I believe the City government should shy away from social justice issues and stick to the business of managing the organization using financial responsibility.”

Sue Parrigin

Rent Control

This candidate stated on the Warren County Conservatives 2022 Candidate survey that she opposes rent control.

Obscenity Ordinance

This candidate stated on the Warren County Conservatives 2022 Candidate survey that she believes businesses or organizations that violate the City’s Obscenity Ordinance should be fined.
