Lisa Allen

Candidate, Bowling Green City School Board

Website / Email

We can and should commit that every child is deserving of an outstanding education.  This means we should tackle the biggest challenges such as curriculum, school safety, parental rights and choices, transparency, finance, and budgets.”

Will you oppose requiring students to wear a mask to school?

“I oppose requiring students to wear a mask to school and receiving COVID-19 vaccines.  After researching and talking with medical professionals I validated the reasons masking a healthy child harms them from not only a physical well being but from a mental standpoint as well.”

Lisa Allen

Will you oppose requiring students to receive a COVID-19 vaccination or booster to attend school?
‘The COVID-19 vaccine is under intense study and scrutiny and most definitely should be an individual decision not a mandate.”

Lisa Allen

Should instructional materials, lesson plans and content be easily accessible to parents and the public?

“I support instructional materials, lesson plans and content be easily accessible to parents and to the public.  I would encourage parents to meet with their school’s staff including the librarian when discussing their child’s education.  You have every right to view the books in your school library.”

Lisa Allen

Do you oppose teaching critical race theory and social emotional learning in schools?

“I oppose teaching of CRT (critical race theory) and SEL (social emotional learning) in schools.  These indoctrinations are very hot topics nationwide and we can help each other understand the meaning behind them if we continue to talk about them and not be silenced.”

Lisa Allen

Do you support broadcasting and recording school board meetings to make them easily accessible to the public?

“I not only support but would encourage parents and the community to attend the school board meetings.  I support these meetings being broadcasted and recorded especially for those parents who are unable to attend due to work, child’s extra curricular activities and  childcare to name a few.”

Lisa Allen

Should teachers be allowed to teach gender identity theory or gender fluidity to students?

“No, see above”

Lisa Allen

Will you ensure that obscene material are not available in school libraries or classrooms?

“On a separate but equally important issue, obscene materials have no place in our school libraries or classrooms.  While these practices may not be in our school system yet, they are circulating around our nation.  Staying on top and in front of this will be a priority of mine.”

Lisa Allen

Do you support school choice?

“I do support school choice.  After talking with parents all over Bowling Green, the consensus is they want expanded choice options.  School choice allows parents to pick the school that best works for their children.  Let’s challenge schools to compete on quality and not on monetary value. There is no blame game but options and choices for students to be warriors of knowledge.”

Lisa Allen

Would you support a charter school in Bowling Green / Warren County?

“Yes, See Above”

Lisa Allen

Responses from the Warren County Conservatives District Board of Education Candidate Survey 2022.

Key information: