Change the Law! No Vehicle Tax Increase

January 9, 2022

Vehicle taxes are going up, unless you, and your Kentucky Legislators do something about it.

On January 6, the Kentucky Office of Property Valuation reported an “unprecedented rising value of most motor vehicles” 40% more than last year. This means vehicle taxes are going up, significantly.

According to Kentucky’s Division of State Valuation, the value of a Kentucky vehicle usually increases 3% to 4% each year. Last year, the average value was up 11%.

This year, demand for new and used vehicles is high causing their value rise.

When the value goes up, state leaders say, so do your taxes.

Unless you, and your Legislator do something about it.

The Kentucky Constitution governs property valuation. Lawmakers decide how to make this happen.

Tell your lawmaker to change Kentucky Revised Statutes KRS Chapter 138 to state that the assessed value of a motor vehicle, cannot be increased year over year. It should state, the value assessment, outside of depreciation, can only occur when the vehicle title is transferred.

You can stop this tax increase.

Sign This Petition and Join the Fight

12 thoughts on “Change the Law! No Vehicle Tax Increase”
  1. The people of warren co have endured quite a bit in the last few months and do not need this burden on their shoulders. Alot of people are doing good to pay the taxes on vehicles now at the current rate, adding a 40% increase to that is absurd And a slap in the face to most of Warren co residents.

  2. Joe Biden is doing everything he can to destroy America and Americans! Change KRS chapter 138.

  3. No more tax increases! Wages are stretched thin enough with the rising cost of gas and groceries. When will it stop? It needs to stop now with this!

    1. No more of little Andy’s money grab. Enough is enough. He and Biden need to go. Our country can’t handle another year of this..

      1. A military coup d’etat would be nice right about now to remove this entire rotten regime from top to bottom.

  4. NO TAX INCREASE OF ANY KIND, My wife has already retired and I would LOVE TO RETIRE IN 2 years. The working middle class (SOON TO BE LOW INCOME) pay enough taxes. I’m a Proud Democrat But DAM IT I’m tried of paying all of these taxes, I believe in a helping hand up BUT NOT THIS HAND OUT SH__!

  5. Please do not increase vehicle tax! We have endured considerable cost increases on everything from food to building materials, not to mention tornado damage resulting in total loss of housing and the basics for many in our community. I’m on a fixed income and this will have a significant impact on my budget. Please do not increase the vehicle tax! 40% is way over the top and will further burden our wonderful community.

  6. We the people are fed up with this beaurocratic garbage!! Every single wish list item is created by taking away from working class! No more tax hikes period!

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