Candidate, Magistrate District 3, Warren County Fiscal Court

WCC Community Conversation with Rick Williams

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Office Magistrate, District 3
Party Republican
Candidate Rick Williams
Background Recently retired as general
manager of Bowling Green’s Forever Communications Radio Group
evening meetings and publishing minutes on Fiscal Court website?
YES, I have no problem with
evening meetings open to the public
to actively communicate to constituents with regular reports?
YES, I am a big proponent of
open and regular communication
that elected officials work for constituents. The Fiscal Court should receive
and act on opinions of citizens regarding taxes, infrastructure, growth
limits & recycling.
YES, I believe it’s very
important to hear and consider ans much information about an issue as
Fiscal Court should review and update the county Ethics Code annually. The
Court should incorporate instructions about how to make an ethics complaint,
ethics meeting information, ethics contact information on the Fiscal Court
website. The county should appoint an ombudsman to evaluate conflicts of
interest and evaluate complaints.
YES, Constituents must be
assured that elected and appointed government employees are open and honest
schools, water, gas, internet, communications – and NOT libraries, parks,
sidewalks or recreation – should be prioritized for one-time funding
allocations, like ARPA.
new developments are approved, the following infrastructure should be in
place: roads, water, sewer, electricity, gas and schools. Controls and
penalties should be incorporated into the county’s growth plan.
YES, I believe in planning for
growth not reacting to it
Cut real
property tax rate 1.25% annually for 4 years with a goal of a 10 percent
decrease in the real property tax rate over 8 years?
YES & NO, I can’t fully
commit to such a plan until I can review current expenditures. I will look
for opportunities to cut both expenses and taxes
coordination with the Warren County Sheriff’s office, allocate resources for
citizen crime prevention programs?
Fiscal Court should develop a contingency plan for an influx of immigrants in
Warren County.
YES, Planning and preparation
are key elements in avoiding problems
action to promote limited government by identifying and eliminating
redundancies to reduce waste.
voluntary term limits of no more than two terms for any Warren County elected
YES & NO, I believe that
public service should be a calling – not a profession. Certain elected
professions (those that are administrative in nature) can benefit from
continuity. Those that are “Representative” in nature (like
magistrate) should turn over regularly. So, for some offices yes and others
should be left up to the voters based upon positive performance. I will
commit to no more than two terms.

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