Stephanie Matthews, Candidate

Bowling Green City Commission

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“As a citizen, listening to media, perusing social media, and having conversations with elected leaders, I’m concerned that we are headed back to the old patterns of divide and conquer. I see a drift from the supportive camaraderie of a shared mission back to the corners of political opposites. I’m running to reinvigorate the principle that the Commissioners’ first obligation is to secure a positive future for our city, and that it takes cooperation to do it.”

Public Safety/Defunding the Police
The Bowling Green Police Department is at the core of our function as a city and the county. Defunding the police would be defunding the safety of our residents. There are 100 reasons to continue to make our police department the best in the State and absolutely zero reasons to diminish its support.

Stephanie Matthews

Fairness Ordinance
“I have gone on record saying I am not in support of the fairness ordinance. Currently, I am unaware of any documentation that citizens of Bowling Green are experiencing any form of discrimination that warrants a local ordinance.”

Stephanie Matthews

Obscenity Ordinance

“I support fines for businesses or organizations that violate the City’s Obscenity Ordinance. There has been an overt challenge to teh City’s policy on public obscenity and we appear to have avoided confrontation in response. The line will continue to be challenged and overtaken if we don’t respond strongly and hold offenders accountable.”

Candidate response on the Warren County Conservatives 2022 Candidate Survey

Rent Control

“I am opposed to rent control because I view it as excessive government intrusion and I believe it will deter landlords from providing more housing in our already strained housing market. The more we regulate, the more the government is obligated to monitor and oversee, requiring more expense to the taxpayer.”

Candidate response on the Warren County Conservatives 2022 Candidate Survey
